Guilderland Chamber gets Grant to promote Restaurant Week

(January 2023)-The Guilderland Chamber of Commerce received a $3,325 Albany County Legislature grant from county legislator Mark Grimm to boost its "Restaurant Week."

The money promoted the week (held from January 25th to 31st) that offered affordable fixed price meals to help strengthen the vitality of the restaurant industry in the area it serves.

"Everyone knows how hard the restaurants were hit by COVID," said Grimm. "This will give those struggling businesses a much needed shot in the arm."

Guilderland Chamber Grant for Tech Improvements

(June 8, 2017) - Guilderland Chamber President Michelle Viola-Straight is thrilled with the new computer software purchased with a grant from the Albany County Legislature. Guilderland legislator Mark Grimm sponsored the $1,790 grant.

"The cutting-edge software will aid new and existing businesses and increase the efficiency of communication with businesses and the community," Viola-Straight said, "The accessibility and portability resulting from the improvements are phenomenal."

Outgoing Chamber Board Chair Lowell Knapp (second from left) and incoming Chair Bill Coons (third from right) posed with the check at the chamber's annual dinner with legislator Grimm (holding check). Also pictured, board members Brian Clark (far left), Linda Cure (fourth from left), and Steve Wacksman (second from right). Chamber member Michele Coons (third from left) and Board staff member Carol VanValkenburgh (far right) are also in photo.

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