Determined to prove one person really can make a difference, Mark Grimm upset two entrenched incumbents to win a Guilderland Town Board seat in 2007. In his four years on the board, Mark was a taxpayer champion and a relentless advocate for more open, effective government.
Despite his minority status, Mark's persistence led to a long list of accomplishments. He showed leadership by cooperating with the majority when it was in your interest to do so, and opposing them when it was time to look out for you:
Taxpayer Champion
- Successfully blocked a new $2,500 tax on new homebuyers in town
- Never voted to raise his own salary
- Granted tax break for homeowner improvements
- Voted no on town's four percent tax increase
- Approved new cost-saving billing procedures for paramedic services
More Effective Government
- Cut red tape for home businesses after exposing town permit problems
- Approved West End water project after decades of delay
- Created cable competition in Guilderland for the first time
- Cleared red tape for construction of Westmere fire house
- Appointed Steve Oliver deputy highway superintendent
- Shed much needed light on town operations in a number of areas
Environmental Steward
- Got police tear gas training near the Albany CC relocated after people
got sick from fumes.
Help from Albany CC was invaluable.
- Approved helpful flood remediation at Stuyvesant Plaza
- Approved funding to address storm water problem at Blackberry Estates
- Forced a move to dump Guilderland's trash at the Colonie Landfill
because the previous trash consortium favored expanding the Rapp Road
- Added 191 acres of green space to the Pine Bush Preserve at no added cost to taxpayers
Needed Restorations
- Got funding restored to town paramedics that could save lives
- Got funding restored to Community Caregivers
- Restored funding for seniors’ bus transportation, including trips to the GHS play
Quality of Life
- Approved needed senior housing (Mill Hill) that the supervisor opposed
- Strong advocacy led to badly-needed improvements at some neighborhood parks
- Strong advocacy was catalyst for construction of sidewalks in some areas
- Traffic calming and pedestrian/bike safety study on Dr. Shaw Rd between Route 155 & Veeder Rd
In 2011, citing commitments to his small business, teaching, and civic concerns, he voluntarily imposed term limits on himself and did not seek re-election. View Mark's closing remarks at his last board meeting.