"Training for Life"

"Mark’s training goes beyond helpful pointers. He works with you to develop a system for improved speaking I will use the rest of my life." – Jack Shellard, Founder/Yankee Business Solutions

"Enormous Asset"

"Mark understands media as well as anyone. His insights on today’s environment and what the future will bring are an enormous asset."
-- John Kelly, NY State Broadcasters' Hall of Famer

"Fantastic Presentation"

"Mark, the reaction to your presentation was fantastic! Your insightful comments were right on target." -- Dr. Ross Thomson, Networking Event Chair

Mark's Presentations Topics

Media Bias: How To Spot It And What To Do About It

Each of use sees the world through are own prism. The same is true with journalists. The real pro acknowledges these preconceptions and does his or her best to prevent them from doing unfair work.

Yes, media bias is very prevalent and as "information consumers" it is our job to spot it and do something about it. Former TV anchor and media professor Mark Grimm cites clear examples of bias as a teaching tool and offers concrete ways for us to counter its negative influence on our lives.

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