Susan Rice, Latham, NY

"Your seminar and book gave me the positive attitude I needed. It felt GREAT to overcome my fear and I have you and your book to thank."

Thomas Washington, Savannah, GA

"Great book! There's no fluff in it. It gets straight to the point."

Jerry Pucci, Ex Coach

"Terrific book. It should be used as a textbook in all public speaking classes."

Grimm Public Speaking Book

View Mark explain why strong speaking is a "super power!"

"This is my guide book for all future presentations.
It's the most down-to-earth instruction guide I've ever read."
--- Brandi Michielsen, writer/speaker

"After I reading your book, I presented to the same class the next day
and I have never felt so comfortable speaking in front of a crowd.
Thanks for writing your book in a concise, easy-to-understand manner
and for helping me become a better fire instructor."
--- Mark Grimm, Assistant Fire Chief Retired, Newburgh, IN (not related)


Book Price: $13.89 plus shipping and handling (sales tax added for NY State residents)
For orders of more than 10 books, please e-mail

Question 1:

Speaking books are a dime a dozen. Why buy this one?

Answer 1:

This book is different for four distinct reasons:

    The book is a personal story of my own journey from nervous presenter to professional speaker.
    The path outlined in the book is the one I took myself.
    It places a special emphasis on how to deliver value to the audience.
    It is an easy-to-read book that gets to the point.

Question 2:

Can it really help me with my nerves?

Answer 2:

Absolutely! Why go through life fearing every speaking occasion. There is a way to confront and overcome anxiety and this book shows you how.

Question 3:

What are specific takeaways this book can deliver?

Answer 3:

Clear steps to confront speaker anxiety
How to make presentations much clearer
How to become more relevant to audiences
Exercises to become more "dynamic" and thought-provoking analysis of great speeches

Please view book introduction, table of contents, and book excerpts.

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Book Price: $13.89 plus shipping and handling (sales tax added for NY State residents)
For orders of more than 10 books, please e-mail

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